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Easy Email Solutions offers you affordable, easy-to-use and powerful deployment for your email marketing campaign. Backed by industry-leading deployment architecture and one of the highest deliverability ratings around, you can count on your email getting to your customer’s mailbox.

Personalized template. We create a customized header graphic made just for your company when you begin your account with us. Then we offer 40 templates for you to layout your email with. It’s professional, customizable, one-of-a-kind emails made easy.
Affordable. Our prices are very affordable, especially with the added value our deployment software provides (triggered sending, surveys, SPAM check). We also offer creative services at $40 USD an hour, while most email companies charge $100 USD an hour! (for more on our creative services, click here)
Easy import of your email list. Want to build your list from your homepage? We provide the code to integrate our database with your website.
Easy to use. Our program has intuitive, attractive pages that are clearly organized. Our service is compatible with PCs and Macs, and is available anywhere you have an Internet connection.
Personalize and segment. You can segment your emails by location, status, and more. You can easily personalize your emails with any of the variables you have in your database.
Powerful additional tools, provided FREE. We offer tools like survey support, and SPAM-check (make sure your email doesn’t have any SPAM-filter triggers before you send it).
Send whenever you want. Schedule your email to send when you would like it to. We also offer auto-responders, so you can trigger emails based on pre-defined actions (like your customer’s birthday).


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