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Veritas Traders is committed to providing you with the tools to become a better trader.  We know that trading can sometimes be a lonely game - you're bombarded with torrents of numbers and information, and don't have the experience to make sense of it or create a coherent plan to make incremental gains each day - gains that lead to big profits.

With our Virtual Trading Room, you get to learn with our pros while they're on the job.  But we take that education one step further by providing you with blog entries after the day's trading.  We comment on the learnings of the day, and how you can take those learnings and apply them to your trading.

Here is a sneak peak of a recent blog post, to demonstrate the education we offer our members every day:

Some of the failings of the 3:1 Risk to reward model

by: Eamon Phillips on 29th June 2009

In high probability trading systems you filter out trades that do not meet your 3:1 risk reward calculation. As you will see with trades, you are more likely to get it wrong than right and this is more likey as you build experience. So these are the questions that can occur with these systems

1.     Is the entry price technical?
2.     Is the Stop loss price technical?
3.     Is the target price realistic?

The first and second questions are ok! Because most trading systems have rules that are clear and easy to follow. The third rule is the trickiest one to assess.

It's hard because you need to know what the true target is. Have you been too ambitious in where you think the price will go? Is the set up correct there is a whole plethora of things to consider . But the most important thing is the outcome.

The outcome means that is I place a trade what are my realistic changes of winning and making money. The reason traders like high probability trades is because it gives the false sense of security and emotional support of a positive outcome.

Our Blogs: One More Way Veritas Traders Help You Become a Better Trader.

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Fridi.K.  "I have been trading for 2 years and have attented most of the leading trading educational courses in the UK. Whilst most of them teach you the basic trading skills needed on the market their money making strategies don't actually work in the real market (or maybe ones a year at the most) This is where Veritas Traders differ by a mile... They just trade the live market as it comes (there is no hiding here), read it minute by minute and tell you why they are doing what they are doing. I've now for the first time in my 2 years of trading started to make money and I've learnt more in 2 months than from all the other courses I've done. Comes highly recommended!"

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